Startup Idea : Web Development Team Creator


An idea by Siddharth Rao posted in Internet Software & Services on 13 Aug, 2023

You are a developer, but you don't have web design skills, or you could be a web designer but you don't know much about web programming. Maybe you and your partners are a great technical team but you don't have sales. I think its time to have a tool where you can create or join a Web Development Team. This will be an online tool for to create or join web development companies. You can upload a video resume of 2 Minute duration , one minute for talking about your who you are and what you are looking for (here you will show your english level) and the other minute to talk about your skill set, and job experience. An example could be : 1) Branchcore Web Team has 1 Web PHP Developer(Colorado), 2 Web Designers (Japan) and 1 sales representative(California). 2) SmarChunk Web Team has 1 Rails Developer(UK), 1 Python Developer(Mexico), 1 Web Designer(New England), 1 IT Manager/Sales(California). The goal is to create a truly great web development company.
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