Startup Idea : Web 2.0 pet


An idea by Daniel García posted in Internet Software & Services on 15 Sep, 2023

A digital pet that will accompany you while you browsing the web, providing you with useful tools like searching information and content or chat with friends who also have this pet and many more, all in a way that will make the whole browsing experience more fun and enjoyable. So in order to do all that this pet will have the unique characteristic of constantly learning and adapting with the web 2.0 principal of collective intelligence. Similar to the idea of wikis (like Wikipedia) were they becoming more and more powerful and useful as more users interact with them, this pet will also become more useful and relevant as the users “teaching” him new tricks. So for example you can ask direct questions to the pet like what is the best site for creating startup ideas? The pet will then respond depending on what is has learned so far from its users. For example it can give an immediate and quick answer or tell you story or give you a direct link to the page or show you a video or maybe even do a trick for you xD
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