Startup Idea : Third Party Library Upgrade Management Application


An idea by Anusha Iyengar posted in Internet Software & Services on 22 Oct, 2023

Most of the enterprise softwares usually depend/use many open-source/third-party libraries. At times, enterprises find bugs in those third-party libraries. When they raise the issues to the respective library owners, they realize that the issue had been already resolved and released in the later version! Now, even after knowing the version which contains the solution, it can not be used in production as it may create other issues/side effects of upgrading the library version. Whole system needs to be tested for verifying the product against the new library version, which is very painful and not so productive way given so many libraries and little time for such debugging/testing. Idea is that we can make a web application common for all the library providers where enterprises/users can go and look up the specific library version for the supported/compatible versions of other software packages/libraries. Moreover, enterprises can maintain metadata/profile about their current software stack (with specific version) and basis this information can get automatic notifications when library owners upgrades/releases a new version.
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