Startup Idea : Student Pilot Partner


An idea by Carmen Medina posted in Education & Teaching on 01 Nov, 2023

Problem: There are huge number of b2c startups coming up, Most of these startups fail because the MVP isn't piloted properly with large number of people. This makes the startup not get honest feedbacks on the idea and also identify crucial flaws and loopholes. Most of the MVPs have to be tested out on students because students tend to adopt to any disruptive idea quicker and also it is the quickest way to market the product. But in the current scenario, most of the startups doesn't have direct access to college students. Solution: Create a platform having network of students who are signed up. The b2c startups who want to do pilots can directly connect with students signed up in this platform and ask them to use and test out the product and get feedbacks from them. Since they have access to huge number of students from multiple colleges, the startups also get free marketing. Also for the students to enroll, some perks are provided for using and feedback of each MVP.
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