Startup Idea : Songafind - Find Songs Similar to other Songs


An idea by Ali Raza posted in Art & Music on 17 Oct, 2023

Search for any song and find a list of songs similar to it. Users submit songs they believe are similar to the chosen song and users rank the songs from most similar to least similar. Similar Song submissions are up voted and down voted to get the most accurate list possible. Database of songs will be pulled from youtube and will be searched for with a search box. The more users there are, the more accurate the database of similar sounding songs will be. With high accuracy, this database would be invaluable to companies like spotify, and youtube. This database could then be used to create a song suggestion website. Optional: Could also be made into a browser plugin/extension for when listening to and browsing music on youtube. Additionally optional: Could also be used to for movies, and any videos.
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