Startup Idea : Software development factory


An idea by Dalveer Kaur posted in Internet Software & Services on 03 Dec, 2023

Insane, but can you imagine if it existed? It takes time and money to develop apps. What if a machine can do if for you, for free!! There are millions of developers around the world who can pitch-in their knowledge for this community web-app. I will not get into all the details but here is the general idea:Using AI, it would be nice to develop a web app which writes code, debugs, QA's itself and learns from its mistakes. Developers can watch what the machine is doing live (and be amazed by what it is doing automatically ) and if machine gets stuck at some point, developer would come to the rescue, enter edit mode and provide the solution in the code, machine will learn from it, and hopefully never make it again. Putting it to good use: Say Scott wants a medical/restaurant app, you name it. He goes to the Software Factory site, answers a bunch of questions to help the machine start coding, and then just becomes a spectator of how the desire software gets built, like watching a movie. It is a crazy idea I know, but hey, thousands of years ago who would've thought we were going to fly, go to space, or have a cell phones with all the features they now have!!
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