Startup Idea : Scheduled Society and Virtual Placements


An idea by Rajbir Kaur posted in Internet Software & Services on 01 Aug, 2023

Human suffering could be eliminated if everyone had a virtual placement assigned. Everyone can have what they need and want if every other thing is at the right place at the right time. Place is virtual. There are virtual places such as receive X amount of Y food at Z, shop at X, sleep at X, be at X, receive X, go to X, take A to B, Complete X amount of Y work. Do Y at X time. Everyone has a set of places at any given time. Not everyone needs a virtual place at all times. If virtual places are scheduled, traffic, commuting, waiting can be eliminated. Placement is representation of a position to take in the world - it could be a place in a queue. Everyone can buy and sell placements and schedules. Basically every thing is a market and it can be financialised.
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