Startup Idea : Replacing subscription news media


An idea by Ashwin Kumar posted in TV & Digital Media on 12 Nov, 2023

News media: I am willing to pay for the quality and fact checking of subscription media, but I use so diverse news sources that no individual subscription makes sense. Subscription media everywhere is struggling with this problem and their hasty and sloppy clickbait efforts make fake news a growing problem.Basic solution:I choose a monthly dollar amount to donate. The startup distributes this to the media I use and appreciate, taking a 5% cut for itself.- A donation service- A way for reader to upvote/appreciate content- A method of distributing the donation based on what the reader liked that month.Bonus - quality media recommendation:- Show popular articles and what people recommend them for.- Display what people recommend particular articles/media for: First, funny, exciting, good writing, quality fact-checking, challenging conventions- Breaking the media bubble: Which news do those with my own taste like? Which news are considered high quality among others? *Which news might challenge my viewpoints but is still liked by those with similar taste to me?*- Display fact checking stats for the news being browsed + track record for the source.
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