Startup Idea : Pregnancy 2 Birth


An idea by Sophia Tremblay posted in Medical & Hospital on 03 Nov, 2023

I would like to develop my app with several platforms to assist any mom and dads to be through the process of Pregnancy and birth. I believe there is a huge gap in the market for an all in one app covering some of the following platforms... - Pregnancy advice A daily update of all the little goings on as the fetus starts to develop (something for future mom and dad to log in and check on every evening... - Pregnancy Diary A linked in Diary with app for delivering notifications for midwife appointments, Parent Education courses etc - Health advice This would include dietary advice. Nutritional counter, Exercises to do, how to relieve trapped wind etc - Messanging platform Between father and mother. Includes photo sharing, messages of support etc - ALARM / ALERT A single button on the app which will send a pre scripted message to father, next of kin, hospital etc when going into labour via sms, email & phone call -Advice A list of questions and answers from other app users in your area. Linking expectant mothers on a more social support level With 'one born every minute' this app is sure to be a massive success. Who wants to help me get it built and take a slice of the pie?
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