Startup Idea : Personal Diary


An idea by Natalia Jimenez posted in Unique & Unknown on 11 Aug, 2023

Personal Diary Let's make the opposite of social networking, let create a diary app just for you, no share in Facebook, no tweeter integration, just for you. This will be a very minimalist/easy to use application with simple features, such like: -Add a Day Entry with photos. Free account - one entry per day & limited number of pictures Membership - unlimited -Add your Goals. Free account - you can add all the goals you want but no pictures. Membership - unlimited -Add a Travel with Photos and Videos. Free account - you can only add one or two travels a year & one picture per travel Membership - unlimited -Add important moments with photos and videos. Free account - you can add all the important moments you want but, but only one picture and one video per moment. Membership - unlimited As an additional services: -you can create/print a book of you diary anytime you want. (this book will be sent to an specific address). -buy an insurance, and if you die, this book will be printed and sent to X address. (we will require to ad an additional person who can notify this). Membership - 6 dlls per month. Create a book of your Diary ? dlls. Insurance ? dlls.
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