Startup Idea : My Fridge App


An idea by Sadie Anderson posted in Internet Software & Services on 18 Nov, 2023

An App that would scan your food using a barcode. It would then show nutritional content and also best before/use by date. It would also show you recipes of what you can cook with the food that you have. Spices, oils and herbs can be listed as can cupboard items. An app that stores all information about your food and drink. When an item is about to expire it will send an alert to your phone/tablet ensuring you use up all your perishable goods at the right time. This would save household waste dramatically. Also when the consumer is running out of their 'favourite' items an alert can also be sent. No more wondering about what you have in your kitchen and pantry and figuiring out what to do with ingredients. No more forgetting what you do have and also huge savings to be made by using up i.e fresh goods before they are inedible.
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