Startup Idea : Local Bar App/Website


An idea by Shahid Ali posted in Internet Software & Services on 13 Sep, 2023

Ever had a dissappointing night out? We all have. Was it your fault or did you just not know where to go? Is there anything worse than planning for fun and it doesnt happen? Some people spend up to 2 hours getting ready.. The problem is their are a lot of uncertainties in the bar scene. The idea is: An app/website that shows the inns & outs of the bar scene, how buzzing it is, the types of people that go, amount of men or women on a given night, types of drink specials, et cetera. The idea is to help people find exactly where they want to go on any givin night quickly and easily. Also I believe this will help promote smaller bars that have incentives that larger more popular bars dont have. Problems I will have is gathering the information, but alot of the work has already been done & when you consider the amount of people that consider this a problem the market is vast.
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