Startup Idea : HTxA -HighTech x Agency


An idea by Roberto Serrano posted in Internet Software & Services on 03 Aug, 2023

Imagine you live in an innovation hotspot like Silicon Valley in its early days. Techies all around, inventions, and research made on the cutting edge. Engineers rule the scene. Who else in the world would know about that cool place? How do you get notice, and learn about future business, collaboration, study, or visit for the culture (e.g. the San Francisco Ballet has over 102.000 fans, and they must have come from somewhere ;-)) Therefore we are creating the HTxA in order make this innovation place not just a tech-park rather an innovation, and arts accelerator. ... the first steps are (OpenCoffeeClubDresden - the coffeehouse-like accelerator) and (accelerator to bring arts, science, technology, business, and education into the next orbit of regional development towards the future
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