Startup Idea : House solar shield - 2nd roof


An idea by Sophia Chen posted in Architecture & Construction on 21 Oct, 2023

Nowadays many people install solar panels on their roofs. If I had that option - I would construct a whole new structure on 6-10 steel pillars that will support a second roof 1 meter higher than the existing house roof. The second roof will mimic the shape of the existing roof and be entirely made of solar panels. That way I will have what I need: 1. Large solar panel surface that will produce much more electricity than the regular roof solar panels. 2. House will be shielded from elements - no roof repairs and leaks! 3. Upper floor will not be heated from the direct sunlight - resulting in lower temperature in summers and also higher temp in winter since the winds will not hit the roof directly. 4 No additional weight on the house structure and roof - since the solar shield will be on steel pillars outside of the house. 5.Overall lots of power savings, comfort and savings from repairs - the whole structure can be removable if needed - so no construction damage on the house. 6. Plenty of work for steel producers and solar panel producers!
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