Startup Idea : Health coaches showcase app


An idea by Nova Johnson posted in Medical & Hospital on 18 Sep, 2023

Have you seen all those women and men in instagram that show their selfies at the gym, or cooking, or doing some outdoor excercise. Wouldn't it be nice if you could hire one of them, he would give you tips, follow up your progress, answer your questions. You would also have access to their private feed, each coach would have a public feed (lke instagram) and a private feed where you can only access when being part of their team. For example: He could post all his recipes photos on his public feed, but the recipe would only be available in the private feed. The rate would be configured by the coach. What they offer to their group members would be configured by them to. If you are a new user, you would see a general feed of all the health coaches available (just as if your instagram account was just following health coaches), you can use a filter to find your right coach. The coaches will be rated and positioned on the showcase depending of their rating. Their can also be a featured coach section, and other types of payed positioning on the showcase, these would be services payed by the health coaches.
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