Startup Idea : Health Care Market Place (Medicine & Lab Test)


An idea by Khaled Al-Farsi posted in Medical & Hospital on 30 Nov, 2023

Hello Everyone, I would like to develop an application for the patience/customer who requires to purchase Medicine via prescription or wants to perform a Lab Test with or without prescription. The model is kind of Auction. Pharmacies/Drugstore will be registered with the application to sell the medicine and Patience/Customer will upload their Prescription to check the market price. After receiving a new prescription, every registered pharmacy will get a chance to offer price for the prescribed medicine. Then customer/patients can see all the prices have been offered; then they can purchase with the option PURCHASE AND COLLECT or PURCHASE AND ARRANGE DELIVERY. Same goes for the Lab test as well. I think this kind of startup will work in developing counties such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, etc. Because in these countries in average 60-70% people visit private doctor/hospital, and they pay for their doctor visit, medicine & Lab test. And mobile internet penetration is also increasing day by day. Kindly share your valuable feedback, if you have seen anything like this working anywhere.
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