Startup Idea : Fuel Ready - The Consumer Choice for Saving $$


An idea by Guillermo Diaz posted in Logistics & Transportation on 12 Sep, 2023

It's the afternoon, you're passing a county excited for the first holiday you've had in a while. Outside is a fuel station. The fuel price has increased since yesterday. You glance at the fuel tank and decide to continue the journey; there will be a cheaper station along the way. It's now nightfall, you pass a lot of farm properties but no fuel stations. Alas the fuel tank is almost empty. Luckily you see a station ahead. With relief, you drive into into the station only to see the exorbitant price of fuel. Leaving after such robbery leaves you inappetant, ruining the holiday. Problem - Interstate holidays require constant rest stops for food and refueling. Currently motorists are unable to find the least expensive fuel stations. Solution - I propose a real time iOS application that accompanies Google Maps/Apple Maps and indicates the cheapest service station on the route and estimates fuel consumption throughout the journey. We use APIs supplied by consumer pricing groups to access current fuel prices. Current Solutions - GasBuddy and similar are outdated and are inefficient for long distance travel. They are useful and suitable but only for local holidays.
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