Startup Idea : Enterprise farming model


An idea by Charanjit Singh posted in Agriculture & Biotech on 10 Nov, 2023

Farmers are vulnerable in many ways. Most significant are: 1. Input quality related particularly seed 2. Yield and productivity 3. Water management 4. Best Agronomic practices 4. NATURAL CALAMITIES - Local climatic phenomena (Like Hal Storms) 5. Drought 5. Monsoon failures post sowing/(mid crop/end crop etc. ) 6.Price and Market 7. Farm income (Farming shall be attractive business). Few of the issues can be solved and have robust solutions. But what a farmer needs is comprehensive solution. However, all issues and problems can not be solved whatever the model of farming be. But, all the problems of farmers can be controlled, balanced, checked, minimized and managed so that suicides and farming distress can be reduced to considerable level and most importantly income of farmer can be raised substantially and farming can be made thoroughly professional and highly attractive vocation to one and all. This is where Enterprise Farming Model Stands as big start-up opportunity. A clear point to be noted is this model is principally based on aggregation principle but no way this is contract/cooperative/collective farming - not even tenant/leased farming.
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