Startup Idea : Easy Pharm


An idea by Ayaka Tanaka posted in Medical & Hospital on 16 Oct, 2023

Often we wait in a queue at the pharmacy to purchase medicines prescribed by the doctor. After consultation with the doctor you need to come out with the prescription, reach the nearest pharmacy, wait in the queue and finally purchase the prescribed medicine. The wait time in the queue can be avoided using this app. How? Here it is. The doctor uses this app to select the prescribed medicines for the patient and sends a request to the nearest pharmacy. Simultaneously, a message is sent to the patient/his relative's with the details of the prescription and a token number. Before the patient/his relative reach to the pharmacy the medicines are kept ready at the pharmacy for the respective token number. All he has to do is, collect the medicine for that token number, do the payment and get back. Another advantage of this solution is we need not preserve hand-written prescriptions (which we tend to lose often). One can just scroll through message inbox and find it. How is the idea? I believe this would work in a country like India where one has to wait in long queues at pharmacies.
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