Startup Idea : Easier way to find people with the same interests


An idea by Nida Iqbal posted in Internet Software & Services on 06 Aug, 2023

The idea i have makes it easy to find people with the same interests. To find similiar people, every user has to submit the things he likes (hobby, music, movies), dislikes, age, gender and location. So if someone with a rare hobby is looking for people who likes it too, he just writes a proposal to meet with them and enters some tags like Location, Hobby and how many people to find the right persons. The proposal goes around until the chosen number of people have accepted the offer. But you could even reach millions of people with a proposal. But if everyone wants to do that, then there would be just too much proposals. So you need some critical users who judge these ideas/proposals. So the more people you want to reach, the more rounds of judging your proposal has to pass. So if you want to reach 10 people your proposal doesn't need to pass. But if you are looking for more than 10 people, your proposal has to be judged. For what could we use this: - Meet other people with the same interests - Help someone - To point to close events - Funny actions - Push new videos - Demonstrations - Push interesting websites - Show informations about favorite musicians - Petitions
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