Startup Idea : Anti Bad Breath Product


An idea by Leo Martin posted in Medical & Hospital on 09 Sep, 2023

Who doesn't hate brushing teeth in the morning/night? Don't you wish.. u could get rid of bad breath on the go? The Invention would be called the Betella! A spray made of Betel Leaf extract! Betel Leaf(Piper Betle)- has been known to cause mouth cancer when eating in high quantities!But when eaten in small quantites- It's all good! A leaf eaten alone and on random! :)In India, its eaten with the Areca Nut( Areca Catechu)- knwn for going together to create Paan! and it too causes mouth cancer! So what if u could take out the main ingredient in the leaf that gives it such a strong smell and taste and make a spray out of it, and also tone the smell down a bit? So then u can kill bad breath with it- as it is proven to remove bad breath!
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